Clinical Laboratory

Clinical Laboratory

“St. Nikolay Chudotvorets” Medical Eye Centre houses a state-of-the-art laboratory. It is part of all systems for outside laboratory control. It also possesses its own system for daily laboratory control of all samples in accordance with the requirements of the good laboratory practice, which is a guarantee for precise and accurate results. Some of the tests are:

  • Biochemistry Tests
  • Hematology
  • Urine Tests
  • Coagulation

In order to facilitate patients coming for surgical treatment the laboratory makes pre-surgical tests on the day of the surgery.
Patients without GP referrals can use our package tests or will be offered the tests appropriate for them.
Package tests link
The clinical laboratory offers the following tests:

  • Hematology

CBC – Complete blood count: 16 components
(CBC includes: blood count of blood cells/leukocytes, erythrocytes, thrombocytes/, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, etc. Blood count values vary according to the disease: anemia, inflammatory disorders, infections, cancer and others.)
WBC – total white blood cells
Ly % – Lymphocytes: percentage of the total amount of leukocytes
Ly #  – Lymphocytes: Absolute value
MO% –  Monocytes: percentage of the total amount of leukocytes
MO # –  Monocytes:  Absolute value
GR % Granulocytes: percentage of the total amount of leukocytes
GR % Granulocytes: Absolute value

RBC – Erythrocytes
Hb –   Hemoglobin
HCT – Hematocrit. Gives information about the cell volume of the whole blood volume MCV – The average volume of erythrocytes
MCH – The average amount of  hemoglobin per red blood cell.
MCHC – The average concentration of hemoglobin  in the cells.
RDW – Red blood cell distribution depending on their volume
PLT – Thrombocytes
MPV – Mean platelet volume
PCT – The percent volume of the blood occupied by platelets
PDW – Distribution of platelets
Differential blood count – microscopic
(Differential blood count gives different types of leukocytes and defines their number and percentage. It also reveals abnormal leukocytes)
Red blood cell morphology – microscopic
(Microscopic analysis of red blood cell abnormalities)
ESR /Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate/
(There are various reasons for an increased sedimentation rate. It can be useful in diagnosing and monitoring patients)

  • Biochemistry Tests

Substrates, enzymes, microelements, electrolytes

Biochemistry tests include all indicators for protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, liver enzymes, microelements, etc.