Varna, 12, “Nikulitsel” Str.
phone: 052 / 630 670
Burgas, 2, “Damme Gruev” Str.
phone: 056 / 711 112
Dobrich, 2, „Khan Kardam” Str.
mobile phone: 058 / 588 000
The Eye Clinic opened in 2005. It is located at 12,”Nikulitsel” Str. in Varna. Nine of the best ophthalmologists and a team of experienced anesthesiologists, nurses, lab technicians, opticians and pharmacists work in the centre. We specialize in diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the whole variety of eye diseases and disorders. Our clinic offers three operating rooms for all types of eye surgery. For patients who wish to stay overnight after the operation, we provide a unit with 30 beds. Relatives or people accompanying the patient may also stay in this unit. The medical centre has a pharmacy and an optical shop to meet the needs of our patients. A clinical laboratory was opened at the beginning of 2012. The eye centre has signed a contract with the National Health Insurance Fund.
The clinic houses a modern pharmacy and optical shop. The shop offers a variety of stylish glasses, accessories and soft lenses in stock. We work with dioptric eyeglasses of world leading brands – Rodenstock, Eschenbah, Macka, Indo, Hoya … There is a wide range of soft contact lenses in stock.
The optical shop has a new generation optical machine and performs express orders. The pharmacy offers a full range of ophthalmological as well as other medicaments.